FAQs-Airwheel SE3S

Quality Guarantee and Service for Airwheel

  1. Does the product have quality assurance?
    In order to provide the best after-sales service for you, It is recommended that you choose to buy from airwheelfactory.com first. All products sold have been tested and provide an after-sales guarantee. We will give priority to providing one-to-one service for customers who place orders on our site.

  2. How to enjoy product after-sales service? We offer service for items purchased from airwheelfactory.com. please seek help from support@airwheelfactory.com.


1. What is the dimension of the Airwheel?



[[[1. What is the dimension of the Airwheel SE3S?]]]

360*240*550MM/14.1*9.4*21.6 inches/115cm
